“Prototype” by Jonathan Martin : A Review

ImageI married into Renovatus.

This is something I’m rather glad about.

Renovatus Church in Charlotte NC began its journey in January 2006, and fortunately for me, my (then-future) Sister in Law led worship there. Thus I first encountered the inimitable Jonathan Martin, founder and pastor of Renovatus. From the first sermon I heard him preach, I knew that here was a guy who had insights and wisdom that the church, and indeed the unchurched, needed to hear. I devoured CDs (and later, podcasts) with an insatiable hunger, and thanks to the wonders of the internet, got to call my Brother my friend. Albeit from a distance, mind you. Living in Scotland, I couldn’t exactly attend services, but, as their first official eCommunicant, I followed them from Elizabeth Elementary School, to an abandoned movie theatre in Eastland Mall to their current expanded homes on Little Rock Road and in Fort Mill. Along the way I’ve laughed, cried, been challenged and grown. And Jonathan has been the constant factor.

So when I heard Jonathan was writing a book, I was hugely excited. This could only be good. And when my advance copy arrived in the mail last week, my expectations were met and exceeded.

Prototype sets out to examine what can happen when we truly find our identity in God, just as Christ did as our prototype; when we realise and accept that Jesus was the ‘firstborn from the dead’, and that we are following his lead. It succeeds beautifully. The book is a triumph. Jonathan’s style is unconventional but so deeply rooted in the best of tradition. It can be unsettling at times, heartwarming at others, and all the time, the love of the Father is central.

This is a book one reads in a hurry, itching to get to the next line. I felt as though every sermon I’d heard Jonathan preach for the last 7 years had been distilled into 200 or so pages. Jonathan flings out transformational sentences like a warrior poet with a sack of Holy Spirit Shurikens. For anyone who’s ever heard him, this comes as no surprise. Martin is (depending on how you look at it) either the Blackest White preacher you’ve ever heard, or the Whitest Black one. Imagine if John Wesley did hip-hop? You’re close.

Along the way, we step through the wilderness of obscurity, compare old scars in the playground and poke around among the shards of Jesus’ broken bride, and as we go, these grim encounters are wrapped up with a ribbon of redemption. We meet the Jesus who knew who He was via the love of His Father and we begin to see our own reflection in Him. Our encounter leaves us with the desire not just to get spiritual dirt under our fingernails, but to get out and experience the real thing, and in a messy, sweaty, awkward, blistered way, to get the word out about the Kingdom ‘that is coming and is now here’.

This is a book that shakes you down, tenderly slaps your face and reminds you of who God actually says that you are, then spins you around and nudges you forwards into your true humanity.

“Prototype” is published by Tyndale. It launches on May 1st 2013 and is available from Amazon and other bookstores.

Iain’s Isle – From the Parallel Podcast

Well, here’s some of the stuff I mentioned in my Iain’s Isle segment on this week’s Flashforcast for those of you who would like a visual!

Here’s the writing on the bus, in English, French and an unknown (to me) Asian language –

I think THIS guy…

Is this guy: (From Wikipedia) – “Valerios Stais (b. Kythira 1857 – d. Athens 1923) was a Greek archaeologist. He was born in Kythera. He studied medicine and later archaeology. He became the director of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens in 1887 and held that post until his death…Valerios Stais also became the discoverer of the Antikythera mechanism.”

And here is a reconstruction of that very mechanism he found…

Remind anyone of this?

So what did the mechanism do? Well, Wikipedia has this to say about it:
“The Antikythera mechanism (pronounced AN-ti-ki-THEER-ə), is an ancient mechanical calculator (also described as the first known mechanical computer) designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was recovered in 1900–01 from the Antikythera wreck, but its complexity and significance were not understood until decades later. It is now thought to have been built about 150–100 BC. Technological artifacts of similar complexity did not reappear until the 14th century, when mechanical astronomical clocks appeared in Europe.”

Basically, you could use this device to figure out where the planets, moon etc would be for a given time in the future.

Now, what I find interesting in relation to Flashforward is this; if you wound it forward to 1000 years in the future but between now and then one of the planets was mysteriously destroyed (Agent Al Gough?) the machine would be no less accurate in terms of where the planets WOULD have been if they’d carried on the way they were going. See what I mean?

OK, Now for the monsters…

Here’s the Not-Hydra!

It’s from the book “Histoires prodigieuses” by Pierre Boaistuau. The text below reads: “This Hideous Serpent has 2 feet and 7 crowned heads. It was embalmed and sent to Constantinople by an African merchant. it was bought by the Venetians for 2,000 ecus.”

Notice, it has 7 heads, just like this next chappie…

He’s from the very same book, and the text accompanying him talks about this being a “Monstrous creature born to honourable parents”

I reckon the 7 heads thing could be a reference to the 7 rings, although the fact that the serpent has 7 CROWNED heads makes me think it’s a tie-in to the mysterious Crown Cheese Steak menu thing we’ve been wondering about. If you look closely, above the “Us” in “Help Us” there is a tiny crowned head. Any ideas?

I’m Back!

Yet another insanely long break from blogging, but here we go again!

With a re-style, a re-name and an avowed intention to avoid controversial political issues relating to countries I don’t belong to, I’m ready to rock.

I intend to post a lot of Flashforward / Lost related stuff here over the coming months, so I especially welcome any fans of http://www.flashforcast.com who may find their way here!

I’m currently filling the Flashforward hiatus by rewatching the first 10 episodes. I’m part way through Episode 101 and already have picked up a handful of interesting little snippets I missed the first……. um….. 20 times or so. More to come on that as I go along.

I am also speculating like crazy about the stunning news I had confirmed from executive story editor Quinton Peeples. Apparently I’m getting a shout-out on episode 15! No idea what that might look like at this point. I’m keeping my expectations low!

Anyway, I’ll leave it there for now. Hopefully I won’t slack off as badly as I did for the last three years!


Best Story EVER!

After a long blogging hibernation, I felt I had to share this one with you all. I was listening to a podcast from my sister-in-law’s church in Charlotte NC when this story was told, which originated from her husband. I laughed very loudly and publicly when I heard it and I’m still giggling now…

There’s a youth pastor who’s gone to a pentecostal church event in Georgia. This youth pastor is particularly hefty. Just a really big guy. Anyway, the meeting is progressing as one would expect. Towards the end of the meeting, things are starting to heat up a bit and people are praying and casting out spirits and all sorts. One woman in particular is getting right into this. She’s calling out spirits and demons left, right and centre.

She walks up to the very large youth pastor and says, “Spirit of obesity, in the name of Jesus, I command you to come out right now!”

The youth pastor (a particularly sharp witted guy) puts on a demonic, raspy voice and says…

“I will for a cookie!”

Guth a Bhiobaill / Voice of the Bible


guth a bhiobaill

Originally uploaded by Frogey

The overlay is part of an old Gaelic hymn where the Bible itself tells its own story.

The steeple is that of Martin’s Memorial Church of Scotland in Stornoway, which happens to be my place of worship!

Here’s a rough translation…

“And I will go to the ends of the Earth
telling of a victorious saviour
and I will spread the banner
so the people will gather around
I will speak in every language
I will declare the way of salvation
And they will honour and love the Lamb

Many a person without hope
Wayward, not knowing peace
Did I enlighten and direct
towards an inheritance and a glory without end
Many a sad heart
Did I make joyous with knowledge of Christ
And I made wise the fool
And turned many who were enemies into friends”

Ballad of the Lazy Blogger

I used to be a blogger
but it’s grinding to a halt
There’s lots of things to blame for it
It’s really not my fault.

Replying to Obama posts
has brought me to exhaustion
I can’t get round to writing blogs
with all the time it’s costing.

I used to write insightful stuff
on life and on religion
but now I seem to spend more time
sweeping dog hair out the kitchen.

The stuff of life has caught me up
like a fly in spider’s webbing
And like the fly that’s hanging there
my strength is slowly ebbing.

At least for now I’ve managed one-
Another post’s been captured
Perhaps I’ll write another blog
sometime before I’m raptured.


Revivals, Entertainment and Unsexy Christianity

I’ve just been listening (repeadtedly) to a great sermon by my good buddy Jonathan Martin, pastor of Renovatus in Charlotte NC. In it, he talks about ‘Drinking the Cup’; meaning surrendering to God’s will, even if it’s very bitter, regardless of whether or not it brings any reward. It’s not sexy. It’s not flashy and it’s certainly not easy, but it might just be the most important thing we’ll do with our lives. It’s a sort of antithesis of the Prosperity gospel, if you like.

He talks really honestly about our collective (and personal) addictions to performance, affirmation and entertainment. Of how we chase the dragon of spiritual highs, where really what we badly need is to be obedient in the small things.

The message was apparently borne “out of many questions that have been raised to me in recent weeks about different contemporary incarnations of “revival.” I tried to be honest, delicate, but candid”. I believe he suceeded on all three counts. The message got me thinking quite a bit about the whole nature of Revival.

Revival is something that I have heard talked about all my life. Between 1949 and 1952 my home island, the Isle of Lewis, witnessed an incredible and powerful move of God which swept through whole communities, particularly in the parish of Barvas, and transformed the entire spiritual outlook of a generation of islanders. It was not planned. It was not timetabled. It was not streamed over the internet or TV. It was just a spontaneous move of God which brought people to their knees, sometimes literally in the fields at work. Whole villages who had virtually no christians living in them spontaneously arrived at church buildings for meeting which were not even scheduled to occur. When I think of revival, this is what I think of. A tangible change in the spiritual temperature of a whole community on a big scale and not done to human timetabling. God starts it, God keeps it going, God ends it and the centre of the whole thing is Christ and people’s relationship with him.

That’s why I find it rather strange to hear, particularly from the States, “Such & such a preacher will be having a “Revival” at such and such a place… etc”. The use of the term “Revival” seems to have been hijacked and cheapened a little and has come to mean merely, “A Big Conference”. Maybe I’m wrong, but to my mind Revival is always something bigger than that. I think of the kind of thing that’s happening in China and Korea, where thousands of people are coming to Christ daily, rather than a planned local outreach campaign.

I’m not criticising specifically. It’s always a very dangerous thing to declare that something is or is not of God. I saw things with my own reformed evangelical hebridean calvinist eyes that have put me now in the camp of “Charismatic with a Seatbelt” (to quote Mark Driscoll); stuff that I’d always previously poo-poohed. People did the same with the ’49 Revival in Lewis. In fact it was actively preached against from certain well-meaning pulpits. What I AM saying is that sometimes I will watch Christian TV or hear of amazing things going on in various places around the world and I find my skepticism alarm beeping, particularly if the shadow of consumerism looms over things.

Am I just being cautious? Am I being overly skeptical? Am I doubting the power of God the Holy Spirit? Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve been checking out some footage from the current hot-potato of Christian TV, the Lakeland Revival in Florida, where Todd Bentley is preaching. I have very good friends who’ve actually been over there to see what’s been happening and told me of amazing things. And me? I have no idea what to do with it. I believe God can heal. I’ve seen it. I believe God can give incredible insight into specifics of a person’s life. I’ve seen it. It’s just that when something gets talked about to the degree that the likes of Florida has, and gets fired all over the “Christian Media”, I suppose I’m the kind of person who has to “put my fingers in the holes”, I guess. I’m not condemning or accepting. I just don’t know.

The loud and the flashy and the miraculous can be such a distraction to us. It can very easily entertain us out of maintaining the integrity of our walk with God, and by ‘Entertainment’, I mean “To keep something in between”. In other words, putting stuff between ourselves and reality, or ourselves and God. Even if it’s good stuff. This again is not a criticism of Bentley and others like him. I’ve seen just as much christian entertainment in traditional Scottish Presbyterian churches, although it’s of a very different nature. There are times to be loud and times to be still. There are times of Revival and fallow times. Whatever our denomination or our theological bent, we (and I) must be careful that we don’t fill our lives with so much spiritual “Munro-Bagging” that we lose sight of Jesus in it all. And of course, don’t forget that although it’s great that God is doing something THERE, shouldn’t we pray all the more that he would change lives HERE? Otherwise we’re like a Fireman watching ‘Ladder 49’ while his town burns to the ground.

I suppose what I’m saying is, as long as Jesus is being held up and glorified, as long as the focus is on him, it doesn’t matter whether we are in a spiritual high or a spiritual low. It’s not sexy, but we just need to keep ‘drinking the cup’.

Come and get some…


Meet The Jedi Rev

Jedi Rev

Yes, folks, the Free Church of Scotland has clearly lost the plot. Not only are they employing wild and crazy left-wing-commy ministers, ministers with beards, and have put Mark Driscoll on the front of the Monthly Record, now they’ve gone completely bonkers and have actually employed a Jedi Knight.

Apparently, a FCYA outreach to Dagobah planted a seed in the heart of one youngling who has now not only left being a Padwan behind, this fully-fledged Jedi Master even has his own blog.

The Free Church College has refused to comment on the subject of Jedi appointments, although articles are expected in the Gazette and the WHFP any day now…